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Message from ADG, DTRTI, Delhi

In the ever evolving field of tax administration, imparting quality training to the tax administrators is of paramount importance to ensure that not only they posses sound knowledge of laws, procedures and tools of investigation but are also updated on the latest changes therein. DTRTI, Delhi strives to provide this by having a dedicated team of trainers who are motivated, experts in their domain and constantly upgrade their own skills with the latest training methodologies. Being situated in Delhi, the Institute is also able to procure top notch guest faculty who are experts in their field for the various courses conducted by it. This ensures imparting of high quality training to all the participants in the Institute.

The infrastructure facilities in the Institute are being upgraded to be state of the art and DTRTI, Delhi is in the process of acquiring the tag of specialist training institute in various newer, fast evolving techniques of direct tax administration.

Manoj Joshi


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